Varicoceles are enlarged and dilated veins within the scrotum, similar to varicose veins in the legs. These veins can disrupt normal blood flow, resulting in:
Varicoceles may not always produce noticeable symptoms but can include:
If you experience these symptoms, seeking medical evaluation is important to prevent long-term complications.
At Z Urology, varicoceles are diagnosed through:
Our urologists assess the severity of your condition and recommend a personalized treatment plan.
Varicocelectomy is the surgical procedure used to treat varicoceles by removing or repairing the affected veins.
Varicocelectomy offers several benefits, including:
Varicocelectomy is a safe procedure, but potential risks include:
By correcting varicoceles, varicocelectomy can improve:
While improvements in sperm quality may take a few months, regular follow-ups help monitor progress and assess additional fertility interventions if necessary.