Erectile dysfunction is the inability to get or keep an erection. ED can be caused by a number of things, including physical problems, medications, and psychogenic factors. The most common cause of ED is physical problems, such as an enlarged prostate or diabetes. Other causes include medications like antidepressants and high blood pressure medications. Hormone problems can also attribute to ED. This can include things like low testosterone and low levels of luteinizing hormone. In some cases, ED can be caused by psychogenic factors, such as depression.
The exact cause of ED is often difficult to determine. However, it’s important to figure out what may be contributing to the problem so that you can take steps to address the underlying causes. For example, if you’re taking medication that causes ED, it’s important to talk with an expert at Z Urology about adjusting the dosage or switching medications. In addition, it’s important to speak with one of our urologists if you notice any other changes in your health such as loss of libido or erectile dysfunction, that are outside the scope of normal aging.
Diabetes is one of the most common causes of erectile dysfunction in the United States today. Millions of American men suffer from diabetes. A percentage of those men have erectile dysfunction at some point in their lives. You should know that diabetes is linked to both premature and later-life erectile dysfunction in several ways: it lowers testosterone levels, raises blood glucose levels, and increases oxidative stress in the body, which can lead to damage to tissues or decreased ability to exercise.
ED treatment options can include lifestyle changes, medications, and surgery. Whatever you decide, talk to the team at Z Urology first. Don't try to self-treat ED without proper guidance from one of our experts. ED is a common condition that affects millions of men around the world. Fortunately, there are many effective treatments available. Most men can benefit from medication or device therapy when used properly.
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