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Questions to Ask When Choosing a New Urologist

Questions to Ask When Choosing a New Urologist

When you’re looking for a new doctor, it can be challenging to know what questions are important and what should be a red flag. There are so many things to consider when choosing a new doctor, from their location and cost of services to their office hours, accessibility, and availability of extended appointments. However, most importantly, how comfortable will you feel asking them personal questions?

A great urologist will go above and beyond just treating your symptoms. They should actively listen to your concerns and help guide you through the right treatment plan. Whether you’re looking to switch urologists or just find a new one altogether, here are some helpful tips that we think every patient should ask when choosing a new urologist.

Urology is a niche medical field that requires the expertise of an experienced specialist. In fact, it’s not uncommon for patients to see two or three urologists before finding the right fit. That’s why it’s important to interview prospective urologists, ask targeted questions, and do your homework before signing on with any specialist. While all urologists have similar training and expertise, they also have different areas of focus and patient experiences.

What Procedures do You Specialize in?

Depending on the nature of your condition, different procedures may be recommended. For example, if you’re dealing with an enlarged prostate, you may need to go through a transurethral resection procedure (TURP), which involves removing some of the prostate tissue. While if you’re experiencing kidney stones, a urologist may recommend a percutaneous nephrolithotomy (PCN). When you’re choosing a new urologist, it’s important to ask them what procedures they specialize in to ensure you get the best and safest treatment possible.

Where and Which Labs do You Work With?

It can be easy to overlook this important factor, but the lab that your urologist works with can have a huge impact on the quality and outcome of your treatment. If you’re having surgery, the blood samples that are collected should be sent to a laboratory that has a high-quality reputation. Otherwise, it could result in an incorrect diagnosis or mistreatment. 

How Long Have You Been Practicing Urology?

It’s important to ask how long your urologist has been practicing urology to see if they’ve had enough experience to treat your condition effectively. Ideally, you want to see a urologist who has been in practice for at least 10 years and preferably more. First-time urologists might be more cautious when it comes to treating a more complex condition, which could delay your treatment. At the same time, more experienced urologists are more likely to have a wider variety of treatment options, giving you a better chance of finding the right fit.

Do You Have Any Patients Who Have Undergone the Same Procedure?

If you have a specific issue you’re looking to get treated; you’ll want to ask about the past success rate for that specific diagnosis. For example, if your goal is to get treated for your BPH, Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia, you’ll want to ask how many patients they’ve treated for BPH and what the success rate is for their treatment plan. Every patient has different symptoms and levels of severity, so you’ll want to know how the urologist treats patients with BPH, what their rate is for successful treatment, and if those numbers match up with your diagnosis.

It’s a great idea, if you’re meeting with a urologist for the first time, to ask if they have any patients who have undergone the same procedure. If they’ve treated patients with your specific condition in the past, it can be a good way to get an idea of what to expect throughout your treatment.

Discover the Unique Qualities that Set This Urologist Apart.

No two urologists are exactly the same. You’ll want to ask questions that help you discover what makes this urologist different from others in your area. Examples of questions you can ask include: What is their specialty? What makes this urologist uniquely qualified to treat your condition? What is their background and experience? 

In addition to the above, you’ll also want to ask about their specific training and education. Depending on your diagnosis, it’s possible that your urologist will refer you to another specialist to treat your condition. By asking about their specific training, you’ll be able to find out if they’re comfortable referring you to another doctor if needed.

Are There Any Restrictions on the Diet or Activities That I Should Adhere to Before and After the Procedure?

If you’re going to be undergoing a complex or invasive procedure, it’s important to ask your urologist about any dietary restrictions or other precautions that will be necessary before or after the procedure. 

Before your procedure, you’ll likely be given an IV antibiotic to help prevent infection. After your procedure, you may also be asked to wear a sanitary pad or take an antibiotic to help prevent infection. Depending on the location of your incision, other precautions may include avoiding wearing tight-fitting underwear, avoiding strenuous activity, and potentially avoiding sexual intercourse.

What Are the Possible Side Effects of This Procedure?

No matter what procedure you’re having, there are always potential side effects. It’s important to ask your urologist about the side effects of your specific procedure so that you can mentally prepare for them. There may be long-term side effects; make sure you know how long they can last and if there are any ways to shorten the duration.

Is This Procedure Covered by My Insurance, and If Not, How Much Will it Cost Me Out-of-Pocket?

Whether you have private insurance, are on Medicare, or are a part of the VA, your coverage will determine the amount you pay for services. When choosing a urologist, it’s important to ask about their office policy for accepting payment, as well as about any co-pays for office visits and lab tests. 

If you have private insurance, it’s important to ask if your urologist is in-network with your plan. If they aren’t, you may have to pay significantly more out of pocket, especially if you have a high deductible. For example, if you have a $5,000 deductible, and your urologist isn’t in-network with your insurance plan, you’ll have to pay that full amount before your insurance kicks in.

There are tons of variables that can impact the cost of a procedure, such as your doctor’s practice, location, medical coverage, and the specific procedure you’re receiving.

Is There Anything Else That I Should Know Before Making My Decision?

After asking all these questions, you should have a pretty good idea if this urologist is the right fit for you. If you have any other questions or concerns, don’t be afraid to ask them! When it comes to your health, there’s no such thing as being too thorough. Z Urology, based in South Florida, is staffed with multiple specialty doctors; you’ll be able to find a urologist that’s right for you! Call Z Urology today.

How to Choose a New Urologist After Your Old One Retires

How to Choose a New Urologist After Your Old One Retires

Your urologist is the doctor responsible for monitoring and treating your urinary tract, kidneys, and other related organs. They also provide treatment for infertility issues and sexual dysfunction disorders such as ED.  Unless you have a rare condition that requires a lifetime of follow-up appointments, you most likely won’t need to see your urologist very often. 

However, there may come a time when your old urologist retires or moves on to another location. In these instances, choosing a new urologist is necessary so that you can continue getting the care that you need. Read on to learn more about how to choose a new urologist after your old one retires.

Look for a Urology Clinic with Multiple Doctors

As you begin to search for a new urologist, your first task should be to look for a urology clinic that has multiple doctors. This is important because each urologist has different specialties. For example, one urologist might specialize in performing robotic surgery while another urologist specializes in treating infertility. 

It’s also important to note that certain urologists are better trained to treat certain conditions than others. Your best bet is to find a urology clinic that has multiple doctors so that you can choose a doctor who specializes in the type of care that you need. 

You should also look for a urology clinic that has multiple doctors who are board-certified. A urologist who is board-certified has met a certain set of standards and has been approved by a governing body as being an expert in their field.

Research New Urologists

Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential urologists, it’s time to do a little research on each one. As you begin your research, it’s important that you look for a urologist that has the specific qualities you’re looking for. 

Some factors to consider include the urologist’s area of expertise, the average wait time for an appointment, the cost of an appointment, and the urologist’s approach to treatment. You can also look for reviews of the urology clinic in to see what former patients have to say about the urology clinic’s customer service and the quality of care.

Ask About a New Urologist’s Track Record

Choosing a new urologist is a big decision. Once you’ve narrowed down your list of potential new urologists, it’s time to start asking the hard questions. When choosing a new urologist, ask the urologist about their track record. Ask them how many surgeries they’ve performed. 

You may also want to ask the urologist about the complications that they’ve encountered during procedures. One should also ask the urologist about their experience in treating your particular condition. This can help to give you a better idea of whether or not the urologist is the right fit for you. 

What to Look for When Choosing a New Urologist

Some of the factors that you should consider when choosing a new urologist include the urologist’s area of expertise, the average wait time for an appointment, the cost of an appointment, and the urologist’s approach to treatment. 

Other factors that you can consider when choosing a new urologist include the urologist’s certification and experience, the urologist’s reputation in the community, and the urologist’s location and availability. 

Another thing to look for is a good personality. It’s important to have a good comfort level with your new urologist. That said, impressive medical expertise is the most important quality to look for. Ideally, you should work with a urologist who is both personable and knowledgeable. 

Why You Shouldn’t Hesitate to Choose a New Urologist After Your Old One Retires

To some people, choosing a new primary care doctor might seem more urgent than choosing a new urologist after the one they’ve been seeing retires. That said, choosing a new urologist is a much more urgent responsibility than most people think. 

Depending on your age, any gap in your urological care could put you at risk of missing early signs of prostate cancer among other diseases. Making an appointment with a new urologist soon after your old one has retired ensures that there is continuity of care. 

Wrapping Up

Selecting a urologist is a decision that you have to make when your old urologist retires or moves on to another job. When choosing a new urologist, you should evaluate each urologist based on specific factors such as their certification, experience, and reputation.

The best way to choose a new urologist is to select a urology clinic with multiple doctors and to do some research on each doctor. You should know that Z Urology is one of the most well-respected urology clinics in the South Florida area.  

Time for a Change? Call Z Urology and Make an Appointment!

We understand what it’s like to have been used to working with the same person for a long time. We also understand what it’s like after that person is no longer around. At Z Urology, we do everything we can to make patients comfortable, especially when transitioning from another doctor’s care.

We’re proud to have the opportunity to serve you and pick up where your previous urologist left off so that there is no gap in care. Our team of experienced urologists is invested in your health and happiness as we take great pride in our work and how that work affects our local community. 

Z Urology provides quality care in a comfortable environment with experienced doctors and state-of-the-art technology. With locations in South Florida, we offer convenient online appointment scheduling.

Our clinic features a dedicated team of highly qualified doctors who are experts in their field. They have experience treating bladder and prostate conditions, kidney stones, and other urological issues. Z Urology staff members are friendly and helpful, and they will do whatever it takes to help you get well.

We pride ourselves on being a leader in high-tech equipment, and patient safety, that provides the people of South Florida with the highest standard of urological care.

Need a new urologist in South Florida? Call our team at Z Urology today!

We can’t wait to hear from you!