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How long does it take to recover from a bladder reconstruction?

How long does it take to recover from a bladder reconstruction?

 How long does it take to recover from a bladder reconstruction?

Quick Recovery from Bladder Reconstruction with Z Urology

Bladder reconstruction is a significant surgical procedure that can drastically improve the quality of life for patients suffering from various urological issues. However, the recovery process can be a major concern for many. How long does it take to recover from a bladder reconstruction? At Z Urology, located in Coral Springs, FL, we offer expert guidance and comprehensive care to help you navigate this journey with ease. This article will delve into the recovery timeline, factors affecting it, and why Z Urology is your premier choice for this life-changing procedure.

Bladder reconstruction, also known as urinary reconstruction, is performed to restore normal bladder function that might have been compromised due to congenital abnormalities, trauma, cancer, or other medical conditions. The procedure may involve creating a new bladder (neobladder) or other forms of urinary diversion to reroute urine flow.

Factors Affecting Recovery Time

Type of Surgery

The complexity and type of bladder reconstruction surgery are pivotal in determining the recovery timeline. For instance, creating a neobladder can be more intricate than other urinary diversions, resulting in a longer recovery period. The detailed nature of such surgeries often necessitates more extensive post-operative care and rehabilitation, which can extend the overall recovery duration.

Patient’s Overall Health

A patient’s overall health status significantly influences recovery outcomes. Factors such as pre-existing medical conditions, age, and physical fitness levels play crucial roles. Generally, healthier individuals with no underlying health issues tend to recover faster and face fewer complications. Young, fit patients often experience shorter recovery times compared to older patients or those with chronic health conditions, such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases.

Post-Surgery Care

Proper post-surgery care is vital for ensuring a smooth and efficient recovery. This includes diligent wound management to prevent infections, appropriate catheter care, and strict adherence to medical advice provided by healthcare professionals. Regular follow-ups are essential to monitor the healing process and address any arising complications promptly. Consistent monitoring and professional support can significantly expedite recovery, ensuring that any potential issues are managed early. Additionally, following a recommended diet, staying hydrated, and engaging in prescribed physical activities can enhance the healing process, contributing to a quicker and safer recovery.

In summary, the type of bladder reconstruction surgery, the patient’s overall health, and the quality of post-surgery care are critical factors affecting recovery time. At Z Urology, we emphasize a comprehensive and personalized approach to each of these factors, ensuring that our patients receive the best possible care for a swift and successful recovery.

Bladder Reconstruction Recovery Timeline

Immediate Post-Surgery Phase (First 2 Weeks)

  • Hospital Stay: Patients typically stay in the hospital for 1-2 weeks post-surgery. This period involves close monitoring for complications and ensuring the new bladder or urinary diversion is functioning correctly.
  • Catheter Management: A catheter is often placed to allow urine to drain and to facilitate healing. Learning to manage the catheter is crucial during this phase.

Early Recovery Phase (2 to 6 Weeks)

  • Home Care: After discharge, patients need to continue with specific home care routines. This includes cleaning the catheter site, managing pain with prescribed medications, and gradually increasing physical activity.
  • Diet and Hydration: Maintaining a healthy diet and staying hydrated is essential to support healing and prevent infections.

Intermediate Recovery Phase (6 to 12 Weeks)

  • Catheter Removal: Typically, around the 6-week mark, patients may return to the hospital for a day to check the new bladder for leaks and, if all is well, have the catheter removed.
  • Bladder Training: Patients will start training the new bladder or adapt to the urinary diversion method. This involves learning to empty the bladder correctly and managing any initial incontinence issues.

Full Recovery (3 to 6 Months)

  • Return to Normal Activities: By three months, many patients can resume normal activities, although complete recovery and adjustment to the new bladder function can take up to six months.
  • Follow-Up Visits: Regular follow-ups with the urologist are essential to monitor the bladder’s function and address any complications early.

Why Choose Z Urology for Bladder Reconstruction?

Expertise and Experience

At Z Urology, our board-certified urologists have extensive experience in performing bladder reconstruction surgeries. Our expertise ensures that you receive the highest standard of care, tailored to your specific needs.

Comprehensive Care

We provide a full spectrum of urological services, from diagnosis to post-surgical care. Our holistic approach ensures that you are supported throughout your recovery journey, addressing all aspects of your health and well-being.

State-of-the-Art Facilities

Our Coral Springs location is equipped with advanced diagnostic and surgical equipment, allowing us to perform minimally invasive procedures that promote quicker recovery and reduce complications.

Patient-Centric Approach

Your comfort and satisfaction are our top priorities. We listen carefully to your concerns, answer your questions, and develop personalized treatment plans that align with your goals and preferences.

Convenient Location

Located at 5850 Coral Ridge Drive, Suite 106, Coral Springs, FL 33076, Z Urology is easily accessible for patients in Coral Springs, Parkland, and surrounding areas. Our convenient location ensures that you can receive top-tier urological care close to home.

Take the First Step Toward Recovery with Z Urology

Don’t let the fear of a long recovery hold you back from regaining your quality of life. At Z Urology, we are committed to helping you achieve a smooth and successful recovery from bladder reconstruction. Contact us today at (954) 714-8200 to schedule your consultation and take the first step toward improved urological health. Visit us at 5850 Coral Ridge Drive, Suite 106, Coral Springs, FL 33076, and experience the compassionate, expert care that has made us a trusted name in urology.

Recovering from bladder reconstruction surgery is a journey that requires time, patience, and the right medical support. Understanding the recovery timeline and factors that affect it can help you prepare for the road ahead. At Z Urology, we provide the expertise, comprehensive care, and patient-centric approach necessary to ensure your recovery is as smooth and swift as possible. Trust Z Urology with your bladder reconstruction needs and reclaim your life with confidence and health.

Contact Information:

  • Phone: (954) 714-8200
  • Fax: 954-840-2626
  • Location: 5850 Coral Ridge Drive, Suite 106, Coral Springs, FL 33076

At Z Urology, we are dedicated to your urological health and overall well-being. Schedule your appointment today and take the first step toward a healthier, happier life.

Dr. Mini Varghese is an Expert at Performing Robotic Surgery

Dr. Mini Varghese is an Expert at Performing Robotic Surgery


The DaVinci Robotic Surgery system is a robot-assisted surgical system that allows surgeons to perform minimally invasive complex surgeries with extreme accuracy and upgraded precision. One of our urologists at Z Urology, Dr. Mini Varghese is an expert at this type of surgery. In fact, Dr. Varghese finished her urologic surgical training at the University of Rochester Medical Center. This type of training prepared her to use minimally invasive procedures to treat enlarged prostates, kidney stones and bladder tumors. Z Urology is here to help any patients that require a Urologist in South Florida.


What is DaVinci Robotic Surgery?


The DaVinci Robotic Surgery system is the upgrade if surgical techniques that allows our urologist to perform extremely precise actions. These systems upgrade the user’s dexterity, precision and accuracy, visuals and much more. Multiple visual aids are present in front of the urologist. Dr. Varghese will be comfortably seated within a chair. She will be directing the machine to perform the precise actions with tools.

Machine systems have upgraded the quality of surgeries. Minimally invasive surgeries have become that much easier compared to the past. Monitors with cameras can give high definition visual aids while the machine arms follow the movements of the urologist with perfect angles.


What Type of Procedures Use Robotic Surgery?


Robotic Surgery systems have uses in all types of surgeries. However, when pertaining to a urologist, a prostatectomy is the most common form of surgery that uses a robotic system. This is also referred to as a RALP. RALP, otherwise known as a Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy, is a type of surgery often used to treat men with prostate cancer. Surgical removal of the prostate gland (and some of the tissue around it) is one of the treatment options for early-stage prostate cancer. With the prostate gland just below the urinary bladder and surrounded by important nerves for sexual function, removal requires great care to maximize the chance for a cure and maintain continence and sexual function.

If you need a Urologist is South Florida, then contact Z Urology for one of our medical professionals, such as Dr. Mini Varghese, to help you as soon as possible!

Understanding Prostate Cancer & RALP

Understanding Prostate Cancer & RALP


Advancements in medical technology have led to some of the most amazing developments for convenience and safety for patients. One specific technology targeted toward Prostate Cancer is the Robot Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy, otherwise known as RALP. It is important that if you have any early symptoms of Prostate Cancer, to contact a professional Urologist at Z Urology immediately. RALP makes use of robotic arms that fine tune surgeon’s hand movements into perfect precision. This innovation in medical technology has brought an entirely new enhanced version of surgery. Allowing doctors to focus on their vision, control and dexterity, then channel them into RALP to complete perfection.


Early Symptoms of Prostate Cancer


It is imperative to your health to contact a Coral Springs Urologist at Z Urology if you have any early symptoms of prostate cancer. Early symptoms of prostate cancer include:

  • Trouble urinating or painful urination
  • Decreased force in the stream of urine
  • Blood in the urine
  • Blood in the semen
  • Chronic pain in the lower back, hips or thighs
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Bone pain
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Swelling/Weakness in legs or difficulty walking

Prostate cancer is most easily treated in its earliest stages. About 85% of men with prostate cancer are recognized in its most early stages allowing for treatment. However, if prostate cancer progresses to serious levels, then it becomes very dangerous.


RALP & the da Vinci System


Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Prostatectomy is the newest solution to prostate cancer surgery. RALP works through the use of robotic arms that calculate precision movements based off of the surgeon’s hands. The da Vinci System, under the use of Z Urology, features a magnified 3D high-definition vision system and special wristed instruments that bend and rotate much greater than the human wrist. Innovative systems such as these allow for new levels of dexterity and control for the expert surgeons and urologists located at Z Urology.

If you or someone you know has early symptoms of Prostate Cancer, inform them about Z Urology. We have locations in Coral Springs, Fort Lauderdale and Pompano Beach.

Exploring Treatments of Kidney Cancer

Exploring Treatments of Kidney Cancer


Z Urology is compiled of a team of fellowship-trained medical professionals that know the ins and outs of Kidney Cancer. It is important to note that if you have any concern about the health of your kidneys, to contact us immediately. Although kidney cancer may not show symptoms at times, early detection is always key to treating any illness. Early detection signs of kidney cancer include lower abdominal pain. Especially in the side due to the kidneys being located on either side of your lower back. However, if it any time you experience blood within the urine, this is very important to note. Many times, this will only happen once and you must be examined immediately!


Treatments of Kidney Cancer


Kidney Cancer has been treated in many different ways. In recent years, systemic therapy, surgery or immunotherapy are the main treatments.

  • Systemic Therapy
    • Systemic therapy is the used of drugs or treatments that effect the entire body. These drugs are targeting cancer cells that have spread throughout the body. Types of systemic therapy include chemotherapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy.
  • Immunotherapy
    • Immunotherapy is a specific type of systemic therapy that involves strengthening your immune system. In order for you body to fight back the spread of cancer in its advanced stages, immunotherapy gives your immune system a fighting chance.
  • Surgery
    • Hopefully, you and your doctor are able to discover Kidney Cancer in its most early stages. If so, then surgery will be the targeted treatment. There are other advanced surgeries that would target multiple areas affected by the disease. However, these methods are usually discussed and unless an emergency surgery is necessary, other systemic therapy methods will be taken.


If you have any signs or symptoms that are causing you worries, feel free to contact Z Urology today! Our offices are able to be found all over South Florida. We have locations in Pompano Beach, Coral Springs and Fort Lauderdale! Call us at (954) 714-8200.

Left Behind Metallic Object During Bladder Surgery Prompts Lawsuit

Left Behind Metallic Object During Bladder Surgery Prompts Lawsuit

bladder-surgeryIn 2001, a urologist performed a bladder suspension surgery to address incontinence. During the surgery, the urologist placed titanium anchors into the patient’s pelvic bone using an anchor driver, which is a metallic device. In 2015, part of the anchor driver was found inside the plaintiff’s body near her pelvic bone and was removed. In 2016, the plaintiff filed a medical malpractice complaint against the health care facility and multiple physicians, including the urologist who performed the 2001 procedure.

In her complaint, the patient alleged that she went to the facility in January 2001 with a symptomatic cystocele and some stress incontinence. She was seen by a urologist, who performed surgery on her in the form of an endoscopic bladder suspension.


What Happened in Her Procedure

During the procedure, the urologist used anchors to support the suspension. The patient asserted that after the bladder suspension surgery, she experienced unusual pain in her pelvic area. She alleged that she notified the urologist of her continuing pain and was told there was nothing wrong. Specifically, she alleged that she returned to the urology office twice in 2004, once in 2009, and once in 2012, complaining of continued pain that she associated with the surgical procedure in 2001.

It was asserted that diagnostic imaging was performed at all four visits and each time she was informed that the imaging showed nothing that could account for her painful symptoms. However, according to the patient, x-rays from 2009 and 2012 clearly showed a foreign body in her pelvis.

It was further alleged that she underwent a second surgical procedure with the same urologist in 2012 in the form of a bladder instillation and transvaginal obturator tape procedure. When consulting with the urologist about the second surgery, the plaintiff complained that she felt as if something were poking into her in her pelvic region. The plaintiff asserted that the urologist dismissed her concerns.


What Else Happened

In 2014, she went to an emergency room with pain. During the visit to the ER the patient underwent a computed tomography scan of her abdomen and pelvis. A radiologist read the scan and noted a 2.2-cm metallic object.

She alleged that when she returned to the health care facility in 2015 reporting pain, she was diagnosed with pubic cellulitis overlaying retained public symphysis hardware. She stated she was informed that she might have an anchor in her pubic bone that needed to be removed and was transferred to a tertiary hospital. Another x-ray report noted the anchor device from her surgery may represent a piece of broken hardware.

The woman subsequently underwent surgery at the hospital to remove the object, which she asserted proved to be the instrument part that was used to place anchors for the bladder surgery and was abandoned by the defendant urologist and left within her.


What Did the Courts Think

Given that there was a span of fourteen years between the original surgical procedure and the 2015 procedure when the metallic object was removed, the patient purported that the continuing course of treatment doctrine applied and cited the several times in between 2001 and 2015 that she returned to the defendant reporting pelvic pain.

What was discovered at trial, however, was that in 2004, the plaintiff moved out of state, never returning to the health care facility or the original urologist until 2009 and 2012. When the plaintiff did return in 2009 and 2012, she returned for complaints unrelated to her previous pelvic pain. Therefore, the court held that the plaintiff’s course of treatment ended in 2004, and therefore the doctrine did not apply.

Not all states have applied the continuing course of treatment doctrine, and where it has been applied, there are many nuances and variations. Providers interested in knowing the rule in their own jurisdiction should consult with the appropriate legal authority in their facility or organization.

It is unfortunate that there is this back and forth between the patient and the urologist. We pride ourselves on never having that issue with patients after surgeries. Having a quality urologist can help in any of the issues that may arise. If you need a quality urologist pick up the phone and call Z Urology, with offices in South Florida. Call today!

We provide state-of-the-art urologic care in the South Florida area with a focus on both male and female urology. Our practice specializes in all urologic procedures, specifically, minimally invasive methods. Our three locations to choose from are located in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Pompano Beach.

We at “Z” specialize in bladder issues, erectile dysfunction (ED), prostate issues, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, stone disease, BPH, male infertility, pyeloplasty, Peyronie’s disease, and ureteral reimplantation.