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Treatment for Male Infertility in Boca Raton

Treatment for Male Infertility in Boca Raton

It is not uncommon for couples to experience problems with infertility, and at times, there is more than one cause. Infertility tests can be expensive; sometimes insurance covers them, and sometimes not. 

The good news is most of the time, there is success with treatment, and you are on your way to parenthood. You will need a professional diagnostic center with state-of-the-art equipment: and physicians plus staff that matches. Z Urology, in the Boca Raton area, represents the diagnostic arena with unmatched quality and professionalism. 

Diagnosing Male Infertility

There are a number of ways to diagnose male infertility and discover the root cause of the problem. By determining the cause of an infertility problem, urologists can recommend the appropriate treatment. 

Here is an overview of some of the many different methods for determining the exact cause of male infertility. 

Physical exam complete with your medical history
When you come in for your exam, your doctor will go over your health complications which may include chronic conditions that may be inherited, injuries, ailments, or surgeries that may have attributed to causing infertility. Lastly, there will be an examination of your genitals as well. 

Analysis of semen
You have some options for how to collect your sample. Some folks are comfortable enough at the doctor’s office to provide a sample by ejaculating into a specimen container. 

A sperm count is then done and checked for any morphology, abnormalities in shape, and motility. Indications of any other problems like infection. Since there is often a large fluctuation in sperm count, your doctor will more than likely take a number of samples to test throughout a time period. This increases the accuracy. 

Scrotal ultrasound
This can better help your doctor see if there are any problems with the supporting anatomy, conditions with the testicles, or if there is a varicocele.

Transrectal ultrasound
This test involves a small wand that is lubricated and slides into your rectum. Your doctor will check for any blockage in the tubes that allow semen to flow and take a peek at your prostate as well.

Hormone testing
There is a connection between the pituitary gland that produces hormones, the hypothalamus, and the testicles. Your doctor will take a blood test to better asses other hormones and testosterone levels. 

Hormone treatments and medications
If your doctor suspects that there is a problem in the way your body is using hormones or if particular hormones have low levels, they may recommend medications or hormone replacement.

Post-ejaculation urinalysis
At times there is a retrograde ejaculation, where the sperm during ejaculation goes backward and into the bladder. This test takes a sperm count in the urine to better assess. 

Genetic tests
Sometimes your urologist will have their patients take a genetic test when there is an extremely low level of sperm concentration. This can be done with a simple blood test assessing any minimal changes in the Y chromosome.  

Specialized sperm function tests
There are a number of different ways to see if sperm is attaching to the egg, difficulty penetrating the egg, and the longevity of the sperm after ejaculation.

Testicular biopsy
Your doctor will use a needle to take samples from the testicle. This test helps your doctor assess the production of sperm.

Treatment and Solutions for Male Infertility in Boca Raton

Now that you know more about how medical professionals determine the cause of male infertility, let’s take a look at some of the options available to you. 

Often, vas deferens that are blocked and a varicocele can be corrected with surgery. There are also situations where patients have no sperm in the ejaculate. If that is the case, don’t worry; there is a high possibility of using sperm retrieval techniques and collecting the sperm right from the epididymis or the testicles.

Assisted reproductive technology
This technique is at the patient’s discretion, where sperm can be collected with a normal ejaculation, extraction surgically, or donor. There are several methods available: genital tract insertion, intracytoplasmic sperm injection, or in vitro fertilization.

Supplements that May Help
There are studies that reflect there are some possible benefits to improving sperm count. Take a look at the supplements listed below.

  •       Selenium
  •       Coenzyme Q10
  •       Folic acid and zinc combination
  •       L-carnitine
  •       Vitamin E
  •       Vitamin C

This is an option that you should discuss with your doctor.

Looking for Treatment for Male Infertility in Boca Raton? Call Z Urology!

Z Urology is a full-service urology clinic that provides exceptional care and comfort to its patients. It is comprised of a team of experienced physicians and professional staff that are dedicated to providing the highest quality of patient care. This multi-physician facility is ideal for those seeking accurate diagnosis and treatment for male infertility. The state-of-the-art equipment ensures accuracy and privacy for all of our patients.

At Z Urology, we understand that male infertility can be an overwhelming experience for both the patient and their loved ones. Our experienced physicians provide a range of options for treating infertility, including lifestyle changes, medications, and assisted reproductive techniques. We provide individualized care and advice to help patients make informed decisions about their fertility treatments. Our goal is to provide the best care possible and to ensure that every patient receives the support they need.

We understand that infertility can be a sensitive and emotional issue, and at Z Urology, we prioritize patient privacy and confidentiality. Our team of physicians and staff are committed to ensuring that all patient records are kept secure and confidential. We strive to make sure that each patient receives the best care possible and that they feel supported and respected throughout their treatment.

At Z Urology, we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and support to our patients. Our team of experienced physicians and professional staff are committed to providing the best care possible and to helping our patients find the right treatment for their fertility needs. 

We prioritize accuracy, privacy, and options for treating male infertility and strive to make sure that each patient feels supported and respected throughout their treatment. Come see us at  Z Urology; let’s do this together.

The Psychological Impact of Male Infertility

The Psychological Impact of Male Infertility

You’d think that as a society we would be more open to addressing issues of a sensitive nature, such as infertility. But even in this digital age, it remains a subject that many people feel uncomfortable discussing. When faced with the prospect of not being able to have children, many couples keep it hidden from friends and family. 

When it comes to talking about the issue publicly, men and women remain distinctly silent. In an attempt to break down these barriers and encourage men and women experiencing infertility problems to seek help sooner rather than later, we’re sharing some insight into what social scientists refer to as “the silent struggle” or “hidden crisis” among men struggling with fertility issues.

What is Male Infertility?

Male infertility refers to the inability to conceive a child naturally, or the inability to maintain a healthy pregnancy. While the term infertility traditionally referred to female infertility, however, there is a significant percentage of men suffering from male infertility issues.

Male infertility can be caused by various factors, including infection, low sperm count (oligospermia), high levels of abnormal sperm (teratospermia), hormonal imbalances, genetic mutations, and more. Regardless of the cause of their infertility, men often feel that it’s their responsibility to “fix the problem”, regardless of the fact that, in most cases, infertility is a shared issue. 

Why Has There Been an Increase in Male Infertility?

While there are a number of factors surrounding male infertility that can be easily identified, there is little consensus surrounding the cause of a rise in male infertility rates. Some sociologists theorize that the increase in infertility rates is due to a rise in environmental toxins impacting the health of men. 

When an increasing number of men are reaching their mid-thirties and beyond, the likelihood that they will experience infertility will also increase. Others argue that the increase in infertility is related to the aforementioned rise in environmental toxins. Alcohol, drugs, and certain medications, for example, have been shown to have a negative impact on sperm health and quality.

The Impact of Infertility on Men

The impact of male infertility on men is, of course, primarily emotional. As is often the case with issues relating to health, especially when those issues impact a person’s ability to conceive, men often feel ashamed, guilty, and embarrassed to discuss the issue openly with friends and family. 

Because of the perceived “stigma” associated with male infertility, many men feel as though they’re alone in their struggle. They may be reluctant to seek professional help and, as such, may wait longer than necessary before visiting a doctor or urologist and discussing their options. The impact of infertility on men can also be financially significant. Male infertility has been linked to a rise in IVF procedures, as well as intrauterine insemination (IUI), both of which can be expensive.

The Impact of Infertility on Women

The impact of infertility on women is often overlooked, yet it can be just as significant as any impact it has on men. As such, it’s important for men to be aware of the impacts it can have on women and to be sensitive to those impacts. Many women may feel guilt about their partner’s infertility. It can be difficult when the person you love is unable to conceive a child with you, and infertility can often prompt feelings of inadequacy and feelings of “not being enough”. 

It can be challenging to deal with these feelings and, as such, infertility can be a difficult issue to deal with. Infertility can also have a significant impact on a woman’s financial situation. While many couples can afford to wait and attempt to conceive naturally, the majority of couples will turn to some form of assisted reproductive technology (ART) once they’ve been unable to conceive using natural methods for a year or more.

How to Support a Partner Struggling with Infertility

If you’re in a relationship with someone who is struggling with infertility, there are a few things you can do to support them. First, be patient. It’s important to understand that infertility is a difficult issue to deal with, and it’s unlikely that your partner will “snap out of it” anytime soon without treatment. Instead, they’re likely going to need time to work through their emotions. 

Next, make them aware that you’re there for them. While you may feel that saying “I’m here for you” is trite and impersonal, it can be incredibly meaningful to someone who is struggling with infertility. Finally, be respectful of your partner’s decision to seek help. There are a number of ways to assist someone who is struggling with infertility, including seeking help from a counselor or psychologist.

Seeking Treatment for Male Infertility

Men who have trouble conceiving may be referred to a urologist for evaluation and treatment. The primary reason for this referral is that male infertility affects the reproductive system in men as well as women. It is therefore important to consult a urologist if there is any suspicion of infertility. A urologist can evaluate the reproductive organs, including the testes, sperm production and motility, and semen analysis. Urologists can also prescribe testosterone replacement therapy if needed.

The main causes of male infertility are endocrine disorders, such as hypothalamic-pituitary dysfunction, (commonly caused by low testosterone), spinal cord injury, chemotherapy or radiation, varicoceles, infection, or cancer. However, most cases of male infertility are idiopathic, because they cannot be explained by any known cause.

Most men with fertility issues will need to undergo some form of treatment before they can conceive a child. How long someone needs to wait before starting treatment depends on the cause of their infertility and other factors. Some men may need only a few months before they start seeing results; others may need longer.

Once you have been diagnosed with male infertility, you should arrange for regular visits with your urologist as part of your treatment plan. After every visit, you should discuss any changes in your results or symptoms with him or her. If you have any questions about your situation, feel free to call Z Urology!

How Exercise Impacts Your Fertility

How Exercise Impacts Your Fertility

Male infertility is a vast topic as there’s such a wide range of potential causes. You might be surprised to hear that certain exercises or exercise habits can have an impact on your fertility. Here’s what you should know about the relationship between exercise and male fertility. 

How Exercise Impacts Your Fertility

Certain exercises that generate a great deal of heat around the testicles can be harmful to your fertility. Hot yoga, for example, a style of yoga that’s typically performed in humid conditions can create an excess of heat in the testes that can reduce your sperm count. 

Exercising intensively or competitively can also make you less fertile. Exercising intensively has been linked to an increase in free radicals which can decrease sperm count. 

This is not to say that you should not exercise at all. In fact, someone who is incredibly sedentary and doesn’t exercise at all is more likely to have a much lower sperm count than someone who does exercise. One of the best things you can do for your fertility as well as your overall health is to take a balanced approach to physical exercise. 

Like most things in life, you should exercise in moderation. The key is to exercise at a healthy pace without overtaxing your body or generating too much heat and subsequently decimating your sperm count.

Schedule an Appointment and Meet the Fertility Experts at Z Urology

If you’re concerned about how exercise could be affecting your fertility, you should have a chat with one of the experts at Z Urology in Fort Lauderdale. Male infertility can be a struggle, but in many cases, it can be treated quite easily with the help of a knowledgeable urologist. 

Need treatment for male infertility in South Florida? Call Z Urology and schedule an appointment!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Dr. Mike Zahalsky Offers Insights on Male Infertility on Recent Podcast

Dr. Mike Zahalsky Offers Insights on Male Infertility on Recent Podcast

Male infertility is a serious urological problem that makes drives many men to a state of depression. Dr. Mike Zahalsky, the founder of Z Urology had a chat with the Brandwein Institute for Nutrition & Wellness while taking the time to offer valuable insights on male infertility. 

Dr. Zahalsky Explains the Relationship Between Testosterone and Male Infertility

During the podcast, Dr. Zahalsky indicated that testosterone treatment can actually reduce male fertility. As it turns out, testosterone treatment can diminish sperm production which of course contributes to infertility issues. 

It’s best to encourage sperm production within the testes by facilitating natural testosterone levels in the testes. You should know that a low testosterone level doesn’t actually have much of an impact on fertility. That’s because the testosterone levels within the testes are always much higher than it is in the blood. 

Testosterone treatment is generally detrimental to natural sperm production because the treatment diminishes one of the hormones that are responsible for producing sperm. The good news is, that diminished sperm count resulting from testosterone treatment is reversible. 

Dr. Zahalsky went on to explain that testosterone therapy discourages the body from producing its own sperm. When you’re receiving testosterone therapy, your testes can stop making their own testosterone which can make you infertile. 

Another thing to think about is how your diet can affect your sperm count. Sperm count averages have been decreasing at a steady rate as a result of the same poor diet that is driving obesity levels through the roof. If you’re interested in learning more about the links between diet, testosterone therapy, and male infertility, check out the podcast! 

Fight Back Against Male Infertility with Z Urology

Male infertility is a struggle, but it doesn’t have to be. Dr. Mike Zahalsky’s team at Z Urology has the tools and expertise to treat infertility. Whether you’re struggling with infertility or andropause, we can help.

Interested in male fertility treatment in Fort Lauderdale? Call Z Urology and make an appointment!

We can’t wait to hear from you!

Let Z Urology Solve Your Male Infertility Issues

Let Z Urology Solve Your Male Infertility Issues

When it comes to male sexual health, one of the biggest issues that we deal with and help in solving is the issue of male infertility. This can be an embarrassing and difficult subject for some men. All throughout time, men were judged and based on their fertility, and ability to create children. This is true of many cultures all around the world.

Male infertility is any condition in which the man adversely affects the chances of initiating a pregnancy with his female partner. These issues are most common when the man is unable to produce or deliver fully-functioning sperm.

Most do not know, that male infertility is a significant factor in about 40% of couples who have infertility problems.

Common factors in male infertility are:

  • Sperm disorders. Sperm may be underdeveloped, abnormally shaped or unable to move properly. They may also be produced in abnormally low numbers or seemingly not at all. (Sperm disorders are the most common problems of male infertility.)
  • Varicoceles. Dilated scrotal veins that impair sperm development by preventing proper drainage of blood.
  • Retrograde ejaculation. Occurs when semen pushes backwards into the bladder instead of out of the penis due to a failure of nerves and muscles in the bladder neck.
  • Immunologic infertility. Antibodies attack sperm and prevent their normal movement and functioning. The causes for this may include testicular trauma, testicular infection, large varicoceles or testicular surgery.
  • Obstruction. Repeated infections, prior surgery, inflammation or development problems can cause obstructions that block sperm from its normal passage.
  • Hormones. Low levels of hormones produced by the pituitary glands can cause poor sperm development.
  • Genetics.
  • Certain medications.

A complete history and physical exam is typically followed by:

  • Blood work
  • Semen analysis. Used to assess factors such as volume, count, concentration, movement, and structure of spermatozoa, that help or hinder conception.

Other tests may include:

  • Transrectal ultrasound. Used to determine if your ejaculatory ducts are either poorly developed or obstructed with cysts, calcifications or other blockages.
  • Testicular biopsy. Used when semen analysis shows low or no sperm to determine the cause of infertility.
  • Hormonal profiles. Used to discover the sperm-producing ability of your testicles and to rule out serious conditions.
  • Genetic testing. Used to identify specific obstacles to fertility and problems with sperm.


If you feel you are in need of help with male infertility issues, then contact Z Urology for a group that is dedicated to delivering world-class expertise in urology, along with an unwavering commitment to their patients. The three locations to choose from are located in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, and Pompano Beach.

You can go to the website directly and set up an appointment or you can call 954-714-8200. Either way, you contact, you will be setting up to see the leading urologist office in all of South Florida. With an extremely talented and professional staff of doctors and more, you are in truly good hands with the doctors and nurses at Z Urology. Z Urology is your leader in urological care. Go ahead and call now!