Do you currently have kidney stones? Did you ever have them? Do you have someone close to you that suffers from them? Well, if you know, kidney stones are quite a “pain”. Literally and figuratively. The good news, is that there is a solution, and Z Urology can help!
What are Kidney Stones?
Kidney stones usually form when you do not drink enough water and as a result, urine becomes concentrated. This allows the minerals to stick together and form crystals. Those crystals we commonly refer to as stones. These stones are hard deposits of minerals and salts that form inside the kidneys.
Kidney stones affect one in eleven people in the United States. They are more common in men and those who are overweight. They are also higher in levels with those that have diabetes.
The kidney stones that stay in the kidneys typically will not cause pain. Passing the kidney stones, however, can be very painful. This is what everyone fears.
Oh, the Pain!
People usually get severe pain that starts on one side of their mid-back and radiates around to the front of the stomach and then towards the groin. For many, the pain is so severe that people throw up. In extreme cases, blood can be spotted in the urine.
If the kidney stones are small enough, they can be passed at home with pain medication and by drinking a lot of water to help “push” the stone out. If the stone is too large or gets stuck or infected, you may need surgery. Z Urology can help you deal with all of this.
Kidney Stone Prevention
To help prevent kidney stones, make sure you drink as close to ten cups of water per day. Do everything you can to decrease the amount of salt in your diet. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables. Get the recommended amount of calcium per day. Some of the best ways to get calcium are found in dairy, fish, leafy greens, and beans.
Please contact Z Urology if any of the following is going on for you:
The pain is so severe you can’t sit still or find a comfortable position.
You are throwing up.
You can not keep fluids down.
You are experiencing fevers and chills.
You have blood in your urine.
If you feel you are in need of a urologist to help you deal with kidney stone issues, then contact Z Urology for a group that is dedicated to delivering world-class expertise in urology, along with an unwavering commitment to their patients. The three locations to choose from are located in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs, and Pompano Beach.
You can go to the website directly and set up an appointment or you can call 954-714-8200. Either way, you contact, you will be setting up to see the leading urologist office in all of South Florida. With an extremely talented and professional staff of doctors and more, you are in truly good hands with the doctors and nurses at Z Urology. Z Urology is your leader in urological care. Go ahead and call now!
Z Urology knows that anyone who has ever had a kidney stone can attest, passing a kidney stone is something you’re not likely to forget. It is painful and difficult to deal with. One’s diet is something people can watch to keep kidney stones at their minimum or have none at all. Although diet is not 100% effective in preventing stones, it can definitely reduce risk.
What Causes Kidney Stones
Kidney stones typically form when compounds that are normally found in urine form crystals and start to clump together. They may be as small as a grain of sand or as large as a small pebble. Small stones may pass out of the body without you noticing. If larger stones start to migrate through the urinary tract, you will notice!
Although the pain of passing a kidney stone can be excruciating, they usually pass without causing any further damage. In rare cases, surgery or other treatment may be required. But in most cases, the only treatment is medication to alleviate the pain while they are on the move.
Who Gets Kidney Stones
About 1 in 10 will experience a kidney stone at some point during their lifetime, and men are about twice as likely as women. It actually is pretty rare but does occur. But it is very painful. Kidney stones generally occur after 30 years of age, although it’s possible for younger people to have one as well. Once you’ve had a kidney stone, you’re at a significantly higher risk for future stones.
The tendency to form kidney stones tends to be genetic and runs in families. So if your parents or siblings have had stones, you may be at increased risk. Whether or not you have a family history of stones, though, certain dietary habits can increase or reduce your risk.
How to Prevent Kidney Stones
Drink lots of water. The most important thing to do to prevent kidney stones is to drink plenty of water, which helps flush compounds out of the kidneys before they can start making trouble.
Reduce salt. Excessive sodium intake can also concentrate the urine, making stone formation more likely.
Eat vegetables. A diet high in fruits and vegetables, which raises the pH of the urine, can help prevent kidney stones.
Keep protein intake moderate. High protein diets, which lower the pH of your urine, can make kidney stones more likely. If you are nervous about kidney stones, you’ll probably want to stick to a moderate protein diet and get at least some of your protein from plants.
Get enough calcium. A low calcium diet can also be a risk factor. This fact surprises a lot of people because kidney stones often contain a lot of calcium, which seems to suggest that too much calcium would be to blame. But it’s actually the opposite. When your diet is higher in calcium, less of it is absorbed in the digestive tract and less ends up in the urine.
If you think that you have kidney stones, or are experiencing kidney stone pain, just pick up the phone and call Z Urology, with multiple offices in South Florida. Call today! Get help now to help eliminate the pain.
Z Urology provides state-of-the-art urologic care in the South Florida area with a focus on both male and female urology. Our practice specializes in all urologic procedures, specifically, minimally invasive methods. Our three locations to choose from are located in Fort Lauderdale, Coral Springs and Pompano Beach.
We at Z Urology specialize in bladder issues, erectile dysfunction (ED), prostate issues, urinary incontinence, sexual dysfunction, stone disease, BPH, male infertility, pyeloplasty, Peyronie’s disease, and ureteral reimplantation.
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